Sunday, August 30, 2015

His vs Hers: Personal Thin Crust Pizzas

We seem to have fallen off the posting train for the last few weeks, but we promise that we have definitely still been cooking and eating and haven't given into buying Chipotle burritos every night! Maybe only once a week. Tops. We promise.

Taylor recently wanted to make pizza from scratch and asked what toppings I usually like. Me being a fan of kale, him loving artichokes, and both of us being indifferent about the others' veggie choices, we decided to make our own personal pizzas.  Apparently the only things we could agree on were mushrooms and a tomato pesto base.

pizza pesto thincrust kale mushrooms

Reddit: the one place everyone goes to sink countless numbers of hours to procrastinate from real life. The best gem- aside from countless cat videos and pug pictures - has been this post for homemade pizza dough. Taylor swears by it and the pizzas in this post were made from following these directions, with one modification. Instead of leaving the dough to sit for 2-5 days, we waited it out for 7 days.

The 7 day sitting really helped to aerate the dough and gave it a really yummy, almost sourdough-like smell and taste.

pizza pesto thincrust
pizza pesto thincrust

We both started with a tomato pesto base, and then layered on shredded mozzarella cheese. From there, we parted ways and did our own thing.

On my (Katrina's) pizza, I went with:kale, thinly sliced mushrooms, and crumbled Italian sausage.

pizza pesto thincrust kale mushrooms

Taylor went the vegetarian route and topped his with mushrooms, artichoke, green peppers, and caramelized onions.

pizza pesto thincrust kale mushrooms

Pop these suckers in the oven for a good 10-12 minutes at 425F and you're ready to eat!