Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Hello, World!

Hey friends!

Thanks for stopping by this little 'ol blog. We've been thinking about starting one for quite some time now and finally kicked our butts in gear to get this first post up. Funny how the biggest barrier is hitting that teeny orange "Publish" button to get started, right?


You've probably guessed by now that this is going to be our food blog. First and foremost, our favourite past time is eating yummy food. It's not hard to do when we're both also really excited by the idea of cooking together and - more often than not - end up overcooking for two. ;)  We're also at that point where we're learning what types of tools we like (and don't like) in our kitchens and trying to be smarter about how to build our tool sets moving forward. 

We're still learning and going through the life lessons of what it means to be a real adult and can't wait to share all of our trial and errors in the kitchen.

We're excited to do this and can't thank you enough for joining along.

Let's get messy and silly in the kitchen and eat lots of yummy food together, ok? Ok!

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